Dating: Drive your organic growth strategy with yellowTIPS
Unlocking the Secrets to Optimizing Dating App Store Listings and Websites: Tips and Tricks from Industry Experts
Follow the next points to nail your perfect strategy on how to promote dating apps and websites:
ASO for Dating apps:
SEO for Dating sites:
ASO for Dating
Optimizing the store listing for a dating app is not a one-size-fits-all strategy. The keywords, tone, and creatives should align with the app’s proposition, target demographic, and brand guidelines. For example, the strategy will vary depending on whether the app is geared towards GEN Z or millennials, and whether it focuses on finding love or casual dating.
1. Keyword Research & Main Keywords
How to do keyword research is a totally different topic but in a few steps:
- Find a tool to track your keywords (Mobile Action, apptweak, etc.)
- Research your app competitors
- Research your web competitors
- Use a keyword combination tool
- Read your app reviews – Your users will lead you to the best keywords!
- Add to your keyword tool all your feature names
- Find the most search terms in Android on the Google Play developer console (proven keywords)
- Add your ASA keywords
Now that you have your keyword bank start selecting the keywords that match your brand in order to target them in the metadata and creatives:
- Caution! Avoid targeting keywords that do not align with your app’s proposition. For example, if your app is focused on casual dating or hookups, it is not advisable to use keywords such as “love” or “serious relationships.” This could lead to high installation rates, but also a high rate of uninstallation, negative reviews, and disappointed users who may spread negative word-of-mouth about your app.
- Regarding the keyword “Dating”: While it is certainly an important keyword for your app, it is also a highly competitive one. To stand out among competitors, it is important to not limit your app to just one keyword, but to use creative and unique language to describe it. For example, apps like Pure and HUD use straightforward and clear language in their titles to make them easily recognizable.
- Chat: Although dating apps differ from messaging apps like WhatsApp or Telegram, “chat” is often a targeted keyword for many dating apps. However, keep in mind that this keyword is highly competitive. If your goal is to rank high for it, it may be best to avoid it. However, if chat is a key feature of your app, it can be useful to include it in your assets and short description on Android or subtitle on iOS to help with conversions.
2. ASO Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)
- People imagery: Many dating apps use images of people to highlight their features. Using real people instead of stock images can improve conversions and convey authenticity to users. For example, the app Chispa effectively utilizes real profile pictures in its marketing.
- Orientation strategy: Many dating apps’ UI and screenshots are in portrait mode. However, on Android devices, portrait screenshots can appear small. To utilize more screen space, consider using a landscape orientation for the first 2-3 screenshots, which allows for larger pictures, larger text font, and better showcasing of features. For example, Ashley Madison has chosen to create a sense of mystery and exclusivity by not prominently displaying their main selling points.
- Simplicity is key: Users typically decide whether to install an app within 3-5 seconds. Keep your listing simple and clear by focusing on the main selling points of your app, and avoid using too many details. It’s not necessary to use phone frames anymore. For example, Hinge effectively showcases its chat feature in a clear and legible manner.
- Most importantly, you never know how your users will react to changes, even when it sounds obvious. Always A/B test for android and iOS.
SEO for Dating sites
After creating a strong presence on the app store with primary keywords and high-quality graphics, it’s important to not neglect your website. Optimizing your website for search engine optimization (SEO) is essential for creating a cohesive online presence.
1. Optimize the Web-to-App Funnel
Not all users are starting their journey in the different App stores. Some users will either –
- Search for your Brand name online to collect more information about the company, the app, and the UI
- Search for a general term that is potentially related to your app (for example – “Single moms dating app” or “First date conversation starters”. Both are targeting different stages in the users’ funnel, although both could result in a conversion (registration/download)
In order to “Catch” that audience, make sure to optimize the website according to your goals. If your goal is to drive traffic to your app, this is the first message the users need to see when landing on the homepage.
2. How to optimize your Web-to-App funnel?
- Include a call to action to download the app and remove any other CTAs to reduce confusion. For a higher conversion rate and engagement, including the download button above the fold in a visible position.
- In case you’re getting a lot of desktop traffic (check your Google Search Console), consider including a scannable QR code to shorten the purchase funnel and get the users directly to your product page without having to go through the stores
- Identify your most important keywords and write an exciting and fun text that will provide critical information about the app and will get you ranked high for the mentioned keywords
- If you’re a new app, or your brand is not yet well-known, open a Google ads campaign to start generating traffic and downloads (keep in mind for general keywords like: “Dating apps”, all first results are actually ads)
- Open a blog section to target TOFU/MOFU users (Top/Middle of the Funnel). Create a knowledge base of dating content and position yourself as an authority in the field in order to drive more traffic and get other websites to link back to you (include helpful content/tips and infographics to get more backlinks!). This will eventually help you establish a more substantial web presence that will push your rankings higher
SEO Tricks for Dating Websites
In the dating industry, some websites are effectively targeting specific search trends to attract their target audiences.
For example, Tinder has a whole section dedicated to different destinations. Each page targets different keywords, although all pages are practically the same. Having unique and separate pages for all location keywords is a great way to ensure your page appears in search results. Also, the keyword “Dating in New York” (and all other locations) targets “Bottom of the funnel” users, with a higher potential to convert and download the app.
Taimi, the gay dating app, uses the same approach for a different keyword trend. Taimi has different “homepages” for other search terms. This approach puts the focus on the searched keyword, resulting in a higher conversion rate for the user who lands on each specific “homepage”. For example, here is the unique homepage for the keyword “Transgender dating”, which is different from the original homepage.
Different dating apps can use this SEO practice. All you need to do is find your primary audiences and write dedicated content for them
This is just the tip of the iceberg. Optimizing for Dating has its own tricks and best practices that we didn’t mention in this article. For more expert tips contact us.